The blog of Beth Cramer, librarian and Doctoral candidate at Appalachian State University, on her month long volunteer stay with the Osu Children's Library Fund (OCLF) in Accra, Ghana.

This blog records my experience through journaling and recording images in photographs and video. My personal story contains descriptions of the operations at OCLF, including my duties as a volunteer; reflections on international library development; and my interactions with the people and culture of Ghana (including weekend adventures).

Monday, June 9, 2014

Return to Accra

After four years, I have returned to Accra to visit Osu Children's Library Fund libraries, interview some of the librarians, and speak with Ghana library officials and educators. My goal is to update my information in order to complete an article for publication, a case study of OCLF. I arrived last Thursday and have spent the past few days scheduling interviews and walking the streets of Accra.