We also visited the new construction site in Legon for another OCLF Library. From what has been built already, the design looks very similar to the Nima Learning Center. Circular in shape with large pillars surrounding. Once again, the community gave the land and the OCLF is funding construction of the building.
And to finish up our trip we went to the Balme Library at the University of Ghana. A beautiful building with an impressive number of library staff, online databases, and special collections (Click on hotlink or see page to the left for more details). Foster and I ate lunch at the Bush Canteen, the university cafeteria where we both feasted on ground nut soup with fish. Foster ate his with a serving of banku, fermented maize and grated cassava tuber, mixed thoroughly and served with the consistency of bread dough. I also performed a social faux-pas by washing my left hand in the basin on the table. Think I am going to have to tie my left hand behind my back...
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