This morning Enoch and I headed out early for a bike ride to the salt mines near Goi. I had taken a short bike ride by myself on Tuesday morning, heading to the left of the library. It was very pleasant but I felt as if I would enjoy the journey much more with a guide and companion. Enoch told me that the bike at the library was donated by a young Peace Corps volunteer who had lived in a nearby village for two years. I often think of these young people, so far away from home. They must be much more mature than I was at that age.

Salting is a non-rainy season activity. As the water in the coastal shallows dries, it leaves behind an accumulation of salt on the earth. This salt is collected and transported in what looks like small rowboats on the land and gathered into white piles that resemble snow cones. Some of the piles are covered by straw mats, protecting them from the rains.

Having grown up in Kansas, I appreciated the vast flatness of the area. I even enjoyed the thick mud in which we found ourselves--dirt looks good on a girl.
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